
EAS 341/G700 Natural History of Coral Reefs

Spring semester, 2023
Section #9500, 3 credit hours
Tuesday/Thursday 3:00-4:15 p.m.
Geological Sciences Building Room 5051


Dr. Claudia C. Johnson.
Office: GY 5048
Phone: 855-0646

Associate Instructor

Ricardo Ely and Thomas LaBarge. AIs will be present at class meetings
CLASS MEETING HOURS: Tuesday and Thursday 3:00-4:15pm in GY 5051
OFFICE HOURS: After class and by appointment. AIs will post their office hours on Canvas.

Course Materials

Required Textbook: Coral Reefs in the Microbial Seas, by Forest Rohwer, 2010. Additional materials will be provided and include textbook chapters, current journal publications, rock and fossil specimens. Assigned materials will be available through the EAS E-341 Canvas site, and various websites.